Error log: Mikrovlnné preteky 2019

Station: OM3KII
Locator: JN88UU
Band: 1.3 GHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM3KII 59 004 JN88UU OE3MDB (2x)
OE3MDB/P (21x)
59 003 JN77TX CALL no log -182
OM3KII 599 051 JN88UU OM3KII 599 008 JN88UU MYSELF Y -1
OM3KII 599 071 JN88UU OM3KII 599 008 JN88UU MYSELF Y -1
OM3KII 599 143 JN88UU DG6ME 599 006
JO51JU (1x)
JO51KV (log)
Description of other errors:
MYSELF = QSO with myself

Claimed score: 51100
Sum of lost points: -777
Corrected score: 50323
Errors: 1.5%

Processed by lx 1.65