Error log: 3. subregionál 2020 neoficialne

Station: OM3ZAS
Locator: KN08PQ
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Single
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM3ZAS 59 004 KN08PQ OM3CA 59 005 KN18DO (2x)
KN18DQ (log)
Y all but WWLr -75
OM3ZAS 59 016 KN08PQ OM8GY 59 006 KN08KS (1x)
KN08KP (log)
Y all but WWLr -32
OM3ZAS 59 032 KN08PQ S50C 59 208 JN76JQ (5x)
JN76JG (log)
Y all but WWLr -535
OM3ZAS 59 033 KN08PQ HG1W 59 100 JN87GF NIL
Y -390
OM3ZAS 59 044 KN08PQ OE1W 59 198 JN77TX NIL
Y -427
OM3ZAS 59 053 KN08PQ YO2KCB 59 222 KN15AE NIL Y -394
OM3ZAS 59 063 KN08PQ OK7O 50
653 JN69OU Y all but RST -601
OM3ZAS 59 064 KN08PQ HA7NS 59 113 JN97WM NIL Y -168
OM3ZAS 59 066 KN08PQ OM4C 59 190 JN99SE NIL Y -140
OM3ZAS 59 071 KN08PQ OK2KCN 59
321 JN89OI Y all but RST -307
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 14986
Correct claimed score: 14982
Sum of lost points: -3069
Corrected score: 11913
Errors: 20.5%

Processed by lx 1.65