Error log: IARU Region 1 UHF contest 2019

Station: OM3THX
Locator: JN98ET
Band: 432 MHz
Category: Single
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM3THX 59 002 JN98ET OM3KEG 59 004 JN98ET NIL
Y -1
OM3THX 59 003 JN98ET 0M5LD (1x)
OM5LD (log)
59 026 JN98AH Y all -61
OM3THX 599 006 JN98ET OE3A 599 119 JN77XX NIL
Y -202
OM3THX 59 007 JN98ET OM3CQF 59 000
JN88RT Y all but NRr -68
OM3THX 59 009 JN98ET OM5ZW 59 128 JN88XO (1x)
JN98AS (log)
Y all but WWLr -39
OM3THX 59 013 JN98ET OM5CM 59 096 JN98DF (1x)
JN87WV (log)
Y all but WWLr -66
OM3THX 59 019 JN98ET OM5KP 59 009 JN98FL (2x)
JN98GL (10x)
CALL no log -38
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 1367
Correct claimed score: 1366
Sum of lost points: -475
Corrected score: 891
Errors: 34.8%

Processed by lx 1.65