Error log: 3. subregionál 2018

Station: OM8A
Locator: JN87WV
Band: 432 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM8A 59 021 JN87WV OK1KEO 59 014
JN79NU Y all but NRr -297
OM8A 59 079 JN87WV IK3TPP 59 011 JN65CP NIL
Y -499
OM8A 599 124 JN87WV OK2JAS (1x)
OK2OAS (log)
599 052 JN89DO Y all but CALL -223
OM8A 59 149 JN87WV DM5B 59 007 JO71HD (1x)
JO70IT (log)
Y all but WWLr -431
OM8A 59 155 JN87WV IK3TPP59 057 JN65CP DDUPEY -0
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log
DDUPE = Declared DUPE or zero-point QSO

Claimed score: 57763
Sum of lost points: -1450
Corrected score: 56313
Errors: 2.5%

Processed by lx 1.65