Error log: 3. subregionál 2017 - neoficialne

Station: OM3RBS
Locator: JN98KJ
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM3RBS 59 080 JN98KJ UY3WX 59 007 KN29AT NIL
Y -408
OM3RBS 59 082 JN98KJ E73CV 59 001 JN94OS (2x)
JN84OS (53x)
CALL no log -404
OM3RBS 599 231 JN98KJ Z35U 559 039 KN01QX NIL
Y -740
OM3RBS 59 253 JN98KJ DR1H 59 515 JO51OP (2x)
JN59OP (262x)
CALL no log -656
OM3RBS 599 259 JN98KJ OM3ZAH 599 010
KN08UO Y all but NRr -211
OM3RBS 599 262 JN98KJ OK2VG 599 033
JN99DN Y all but NRr -137
OM3RBS 59 292 JN98KJ YO7LBX/P 59 102 KN15UI (1x)
KN15TI (log)
Y all but WWLr -500
OM3RBS 599 330 JN98KJ HA1ZS (2x)
HA1ZH (129x)
599 177 JN86LK WWL no log -262
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 107287
Correct claimed score: 107271
Sum of lost points: -3318
Corrected score: 103953
Errors: 3.1%

Processed by lx 1.65