Error log: 3. subregionál 2017 - neoficialne

Station: OM6TX
Locator: JN99JK
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Single
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM6TX 599 088 JN99JK OK2VG 599 015
JN99DN Y all but NRr -39
OM6TX 59 109 JN99JK S56K 59 062 JN76KI NIL
Y -451
OM6TX 599 111 JN99JK OK2KEA599 190 JN89EJ DDUPEY -0
OM6TX 599 112 JN99JK OK2KYK 599 080
JN89NB Y all but NRr -128
OM6TX 599 165 JN99JK OK2KOJ599 208 JN79UG DDUPEY -0
OM6TX 59 186 JN99JK OK2IOZ 59 018 JN99FX (1x)
JN99FQ (16x)
CALL no log -65
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log
DDUPE = Declared DUPE or zero-point QSO

Claimed score: 62322
Correct claimed score: 62308
Sum of lost points: -683
Corrected score: 61625
Errors: 1.1%

Processed by lx 1.65