Error log: 3. subregionalne preteky 2016 - OM stanice - DRUHE neoficialne

Station: OM6W
Locator: JN99GK
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLostPH
OM6W 59 022 JN99GK OM3WSZ (2x)
OM3VSZ (log)
59 006 KN08PO Y all -221 #2
OM6W 59 039 JN99GK 4O6BLM 57 004 JN92UB (1x)
JN92UW (log)
NIL Y CALL no log -826 #2
59 044 JN99GK 9A4TT 59 016 JN89OV (1x)
JN85OV (log)
Y all but WWLr -109 #2
OM6W 59 132 JN99GK YT4BGS (1x)
YT2BGS (log)
59 034 KN04IQ Y all -554 #2
OM6W 599 244 JN99GK OM0AST 599 032
KN09PH Y all but NRr -200 #1
OM6W 599 254 JN99GK HG1W599 375 JN87GF DDUPEY -0
OM6W 599 302 JN99GK
DF0PU 599 143
JN47QV Y CALL+RST -695 #1
OM6W 599 320 JN99GK OK1KWV 599 210 JN79EJ NIL
Y -302 #1
OM6W 599 347 JN99GK OK1FML 599 137 JO70NE NIL
Y -259 #2
OM6W 599 349 JN99GK OE5NNN/P 599 442 JN78DX (2x)
JN77DX (280x)
CALL no log -313 #2
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log
DDUPE = Declared DUPE or zero-point QSO

Claimed score: 109138
Correct claimed score: 109180
Sum of lost points: -3479
Corrected score: 105701
Errors: 3.2%

Processed by lx 1.61