Error log: 3.subregional 2015 - OM stanice

Station: OM6HO
Locator: JN99TB
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Single
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM6HO 59 007 JN99TB OK1KPA 59 097 JN79GS (1x)
JN79US (log)
Y all -376
OM6HO 59 008 JN99TB SP9HED (1x)
SP6HED (120x)
59 061 JO80IL WWL no log -263
OM6HO 599 050 JN99TB DL0HTW 599 374 JO60QU NIL
Y -490
OM6HO 599 051 JN99TB OK1OPT 599 247
JN69NX Y all but NR -480
OM6HO 599 052 JN99TB HG7B 599 367 JN97NM (1x)
JN97LW (log)
Y all -176
OM6HO 59 058 JN99TB S57N 59 331
JN76BL Y all but NR -502
OM6HO 59 062 JN99TB OK2KOJ 59 311 JN89UG (5x)
JN79UG (log)
Y all -142
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 16973
Correct claimed score: 17016
Sum of lost points: -2429
Corrected score: 14587
Errors: 14.3%

Processed by lx 1.57