Error log: 3. subregional 2014 - OM stanice

Station: OM3RRE
Locator: JN98FX
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM3RRE 59 032 JN98FX HG7KLF 59 025
JN97WW Y all but NR -156
OM3RRE 59 061 JN98FX OK2OHA 59 025 JN89JL NIL
Y -134
OM3RRE 59 069 JN98FX OL7Z (1x)
OL7G (log)
59 062 JN78DR Y all -307
OM3RRE 59 093 JN98FX HA6W 59 191
KN08FB Y all but NR -180
OM3RRE 59 114 JN98FX HF6M 59 202 JO80GQ (1x)
JO80FQ (243x)
CALL no log -235
OM3RRE 59 120 JN98FX OK1TI 59 073
JO70DP Y all but NR -352
OM3RRE 59 123 JN98FX DK0NA 59
114 JO50TI Y all but RST -515
OM3RRE 59 124 JN98FX DG6QF 59 769
JO61OC Y all but NR -444
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 30193
Correct claimed score: 30179
Sum of lost points: -2323
Corrected score: 27856
Errors: 7.7%

Processed by lx 1.57