Error log: IARU Region 1 VHF Contest 2010 - all stations, ver.20110616 Station: EA3GP Locator: JN01SF Band: 144 MHz Category: Single | Sent | Received | Correct data | Other | Lost Call | RST NR | RST NR LOC | Call RST NR LOC | error |points ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F1TDO | 59 7 | 59 32 JN25LX | | NIL | - 596 EA5/YO4FRV | 59 9 | 59 10 JN00AB | EA5/YO4RFV | | - 182 EA1QA | 59 20 | 59 36 IN71PS | 33 | | - 524 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum of lost points: - 1302 Description of other errors: NIL = Not in the log Claimed score: 0 Incorrect claimed score and log summary (good=8939) Corrected score: 7637 Errors: 14.6% Checked by lx v1.38